Healing Good – Holistic Wellness

Do you feel stuck?
I enable to you to live with space and freedom

Jodie Gibson is a Holistic Wellness practitioner. Healing Good is all about helping people access a variety of natural wellness solutions to explore and release their emotional/energetic blockages. Her primary services involve a very gentle & calming hands-on relaxation massage and energy bodywork.

Feeling disempowered?
Are you sick of being told that you have no options?
Are you ready to explore the choices so that you can be free from feeling powerless to being in control of your own well-being?

Alignment check-in
Let's have a conversation to uncover what is making you feel stuck.
Let me help you find freedom to choose your own way and live happier in the present.

Jodie will enable to you to live with space and freedom through holistic therapies such as relaxation aromatherapy massage and energy work.

Book you Holistic Wellness Check-in now! Bookings by Appointment only.

Contact Jodie directly on Mob: 0408924506
Business e-mail: [email protected]

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Healing Good (#16)